Massive Hard-Ons Releases

Australia’s beloved punk/metal/pop group the Hard-Ons (be careful when you google that kids!) just dumped hundreds of tracks on their Bandcamp page. Singles Collection, EP collections, expanded releases… many previously unpublished or only available on vintage vinyl, like this self titled EP shown in cassette form above. I believe this record (pictured above) was one […]


Beware of Trams!

We call them trains or trolleys, but in Melbourne and the rest of Australia it’s a tram. Yarra Trams is using signage with rhinos on skateboards to remind people not to get killed by trams when crossing tracks. The association is that of a rhinoceros on a skateboard being an unstoppable force, much like, well, […]


Having a rough day?

I probably should have saved this for a Monday. (At least you’re not this guy…) [Source: Perez Hilton] – Thanks to Mrs. Kilwag for the tip.


Oi! Jacko!

I have no idea who Oi! Jacko Gym was, but near as I can tell by this picture, he must have been some sort of middle aged, weight lifting Sting impersonator from Australia. He’s not content to just ride a skateboard, he’s got to lift weights at the same time. The box commands you to […]


Layers of color

I can’t remember why I had this bookmarked, or how I found it, but it must have been for a good reason. Must have been because it looked fun. Lots of cool banks.


Bennet by Blam-o

Andrew Maunsell is a toy designer by trade from Sydney Australia. He’s collaborating with Greg Bennett from Bennett Surfboards (Not affiliated with Bennett Trucks) in Brookvale, Sydney. Bennet produced a skateboard brand called Golden Breed in the 70’s. The result is a series of two old school hybrid skateboards based on old 60’s era shapes […]