Sidewalk Skateboard Mag

S&A in Sidewalk

Skate and Annoy was mentioned in last month’s issue of Sidewalk Mag via Jim Thompson’s Scene Zine column. Thanks for the love from the UK. Some older Scene Zine are archived online if you are looking for more ways to avoid work or school. If Mark and Neil ever find out they don’t need me, […]

Dr SkateRock presents Vintage Skaterock

When I first heard of this book (before it was published) I was skeptical. I couldn’t believe there would be enough material to fill a book of any size. Then I was excited. It seemed like someone was writing a book (or playing a practical joke) just for me. Then I was pissed. Why didn’t […]

5000 Posts

That last post was the 5000th post. Hooray. Sure the quality may have gone down since I actually have to work while I’m at “work” now, but hey, who loves ya baby? I do! I’ve seen some Tumblr sites with way more, but those are just photos and no text, I could do that all […]

Colin on S&A

You might have noticed something missing lately. After lengthy contract negotiations we are pleased to announce that Callin’ on Colin will be coming directly to Skate and Annoy. What does this mean to you the listener? The biggest change is that it’s not going to be broadcast live. Ultimately, this was the main reason he […]

My dog ate my post

I don’t have anything else for you today. Yesterday the sewer pipe backed up into my basement. Fun!!!!!!! So I spent last night cleaning up fecal matter instead of writing posts. I just happened to have the Factory Made in can and ready to go. I’m pretty sure that the people who sent these items […]

Gratuitous Eye Candy

[wp-cumulus] Check out this fancy 3D tag cloud. Equal parts impressive and annoying, huh? If you are struck with the desire to view this after it’s been bumped from the front page, you can find the link labeled Fancy Tag Cloud in the sidebar. Oh yeah, without Flash installed it just looks like the regular […]

Out with the old.

You might have noticed I haven’t been updating as frequently as usual for a the past couple of weeks. It’s because I’ve been swamped with things in the real world, and I’ve been spending a lot of my S&A time tinkering with a redesign. I got sick of looking at the old site. It had […]

Because I love you

I have made these improvements to the site. I added long overdue threaded comments. So now you can reply directly to a bonehead instead of having to quote them in hopes that people know who you are responding to. I love how MC’s comic about the inevitability of slamming has turned to an argument about […]

Sean Cliver introduction

Skate and Annoy welcomes Sean Cliver

I’m excited to announce that I have tricked talked Sean Cliver into joining the fake staff at Skate and Annoy. Basically, we’ll just be syndicating his posts over at the Disposable blog, so you’ll always be able to read the same thing a little earlier over there, just don’t do it, OK? I asked Sean […]