Decades late, still in demand. Thrashin’ Action Figures.

Holy #$%&!! It’s Thrashin’ action figures (!!!) flying under the radar, as seen on the Dagger Skates instagram page as coming soon! No other information out there, but Hook and Cory Webster look great. Wannabe Ramp Locals and Daggers alike demand answers. Will there be: Action eyebrows for the Eddie Reategui figure? Hook’s sister Velvet, […]

Please Explain Armadillo Skateboards

Reader Jaime Castillo asked for help identifying this Armadillo Skateboards prototype flea market find. So far my best guess is that is an Hosoi hammerhead knockoff with some sort of adjustable wheelbase plate. The Interwebs is not much help either, because it mostly just shows armadillo art on skateboards in Zazzle-type situations.  It also turned […]

Lego Friends Dogtown

Lego Friends set 41304 (Puppy Treats and Tricks)  features a cute little dog on a skateboard and a miniramp with a transition that makes me wonder if it’s not in fact supposed to be a Jersey barrier. The Lego Friends line was originally aimed to appeal to young girls. I’m sure they did a lot […]

Tony Hawk Pops

Tony Hawk is becoming a Funko Pop. Should be any day now… He also makes an appearance in the documentary Making Fun: The Story of Funko. You can find it on Netflix. Tony’s short but interesting part starts at the 1:08 mark. That’s hours and minutes. – Thanks to Boy at for the tip.

Game of Life

Classic games as copyrighted properties are bought and sold by companies like anything else. Typically, when a classic game is re-published by a new company, they cut corners in production to make it cheaper, and in worst-case scenarios, they decide to change the rules and mess with basic game play. This is the 2015 edition […]

Skateboarding Mikey at Walmart

I was actually looking for some budget Vision completes (popsicles) that have the Gator graphic but just say “Vision.”  I have been told those have been seen in some Walmarts, but I couldn’t find any. Stay classy, Vision. The LED TV’s on display had a  continuous loop of snowboarding playing, interspersed with last minute gift […]


Zombie Posters, + Sparks

The image on the top right was scoured from my hard drive, saved in 2006. It’s a model/figure called Extreme Zombie “Sparks” that is approx 18cm tall. When searching for a better picture not he inter webs, all I could find were these Extreme Zombie posters from Poster Lounge.


Freeing Japanime Figures

Hard drive cleaning time:  Freeing makes PVC anime figures and accessories, mostly scantily clad stuff in the vein of your typical Hook-Ups graphic. Even when they aren’t scantily clad, they still look like Sorayama robots. These must sell like gangbusters. I mean, who wouldn’t want a highly posable figure of a sensuous, big breasted mannequin riding […]



Not much newsworthy about the fingerboard fad these days. If you’ve been to the toy aisle of a Target lately you’ll have noticed the the Tech Deck presence has shrunk dramatically from what it was in their heyday. They’ve tried releasing old school shapes, longboards, and even retro plastic cruisers in fingerboard form in an […]