
Mouse vs Mouse

Chuck E Cheese squares up against the venerable Mickey Mouse. Mickey Mouse certainly holds the edge in sheer quantity of appearances on a skateboard, but Chuck has the advantage in this presentation. Actually, he kind of looks like a skatepark hipster. That’s a pencil sharpener on the bottom of his skateboard, not a battery pack […]


Muppets. In your face, until you’re sick of them.

So this started off as a follow up find to the other picture of Mr. Snuffleupagus on a skateboard, but of course, I couldn’t leave well enough alone. It’s by no means the definitive Muppets skateboarding post, a good place to start for that is the Muppet Wiki. If only I could channel this enthusiasm […]

Jerry, no Tom

This is from a Tom and Jerry themed Subway kids meal toy from 1994. the wheels underneath are one solid bar that is strangely arced in the center, so he likes to fall over if he’s on an uneven surface, which goes nicely with his bicycle style helmet. There were three other figures, but I’ve […]


Rio is the name of an animated movie that, near as I can tell from the previews they are showing on TV, has no plot other than the fact that a bunch of cheeky animals are hanging out together in Brazil. The movie doesn’t open until this weekend, but that hasn’t stopped 20th Century Fox […]

Relics from McDonaldland

Grimace hasn’t been around much lately. I figured he’d been put out to pasture, but a source on Wikipedia says he semi-recently appeared in a 2009 commercial. Grimace originally appeared as an evil villain, now he’s just another old man on an old school board. Grimace may say 80’s but the copyright says 1992. It’s […]

Chop Sockey skateboard toy

Chop Socky Chooks (???)

Jack in the Box always has the lamest toys in their kid’s meals. Case in point, this Cartoon Network cross promotion for the show Chop Socky Chooks.I had no idea what Chop Socky meant, so I googled it. Crappy martial arts bar fights was the result. I think these are supposed to be Kung Fu […]

Ronald McDonald on a skateboard 1

Corporate Death Ripper

I went to McDonalds with the kids while trying to wait out the rain at a skatepark. They had these little Ronald McDonald figures in the corner of a glass case as part of another display. I told them I needed one, and they finally relented and gave it to me. I was prepared to […]

Smurf and Destroy

Some people obsess over skateboards. Some people are obsessed with Smurfs. Sometimes there is a tiny bit of overlap, as is the case with the Blue Dudes and Hidden in the Woods. [Photos Clockwise: TBD, HITW, TBD]

x-mas crap

The Tony Hawk ornament and other X-mas mysteries.

The sketchy Tony Hawk Christmas ornament was actually a McDonalds Happy Meal toy with a string attached. Danimal’s mom sent him an awesome elf skateboarding on a leaf. World Industries sells these elf sized skateboards that come packaged in a Christmas stocking.