I just wrapped up adding 61 ads from volume 5, number 7 of Skateboarder magazine from February of 1979. There are some good ones in there. A few that caught my eye were for Turning Point, Haut Lamaflex (Lama-flex?), Hobie (skate shoes), Powerflex, Independent (w Henry Hester), and Caster with Wally Innouye. Also of interest, […]
I’ve added 47 ads from the May, 1979 issue of Skateboarder magazine to the Vintage Skatemag Advert gallery, bringing the total number of ads in the gallery to 1093! Some highlights include Wally Innouye for Caster, a skateboard tourism service called Skatour, a Tracker ad with Doug Schneider with some art direction that looks like […]
This new kit design is just about as boring as the decision to change the name of the Montreal Impact to Club de Foot Montréal. Even the skateboarder in the corner is bored.
I’ve added 27 adverts from the July, 1990 issue of Skateboard! magazine, published in the U.K.. This is the same publication that started in the 70’s – see Issue #10 from 1978. The issue is kind of thin, coming in at 64 pages. Someone paid for a trip to Brazil and so that’s pretty much […]
The magazine that bummed out a generation of skaters… I’ve added all the adverts from issue #1 of Action Now magazine, labeled as Volume 7, #1 published in August of 1980. It’s a pretty thin issue and only has 30 ads total. In a few issues the magazine gets beefy again, I’ll bet they thought […]
I just added 62 advertisements from Volume 2 Number 6 of Skateboarder Magazine (1976) to the Vintage Skatemag Advert Gallery, bringing the total in the gallery up to 674 ads! 1976 was a good year for skateboarding.
Super Skate Spray! While sifting through hard drive buried treasures I rediscovered these pics from a 2018 auction, and remembered Super Skate Spray from the Vintage Skatemag Ad Gallery. It came from the Lubri-Kote company in Texas, circa 1976. There does not appear to be a Lubri-Kote anymore, but there is an international Lubrikote company […]
The Wisconsin Department of Transportation has a program aimed at curbing impaired driving called Zero In Wisconsin. Their newest campaign posters can be seen at various rest areas, bus stations, and other locations. These posters feature people engaged in various Extreme!® sports and the tagline “Do this drunk!? That would be Crazy!” At first I […]
There’s really no reason to post this generic toy store plastic skateboard (available in bulk from China for $9 a piece) other than the fact their models look… amazeballs! Adventure Bizarre? Yeah I think I saw them in Paris, circa 1977 opening up for Metal Urbain.