
Skateology and the Physics of an Ollie

Adam Shomsky has a Youtube channel filled with high frame rate slow motion videos of skateboarding and “other random stuff that looks cool in slow mo, like fire.” A writer over at Wired used an open source physics video analysis tool called Tracker (Insert Tracker vs. Indy joke here.) to break down the forces at […]


The Old Man and the Atlantic

The Atlantic asks “What Happens When We All Live to 100?” in the cover story of the September, 2014 issue dedicated to the science of aging. – Thanks to Old Man Burly Caps for the tip.


Prepare yourself for an Evinrude

If you like skateboarding, then you just might be ready for an Evinrude boat motor, later on in life, when you grow up. You know Evinrude owners are born, not made. Right? It’s not like a choice. When you get to college, it’s OK if you experiment a little. Nobody is going to judge you […]


Burberry from 2002

A licensed Burberry skateboard featured in the January/February 2002 issue of FHM magazine. So yeah… $450, which makes a lot of sense. Heat transfers were expensive at the turn of the millennium.

Dynamite Magazine #42 - Laura Thornhill

Dynamite Magazine #42 with Laura Thornhill

Laura Thornhill featured in Dynamite Magazine #42, published in 1977. Sylvester Stallone on the cover, what is next for Sylvester after Rocky? four more Rocky movies of course. Listen, I don’t care if he only made 3 more or 5 more, so don’t bother to correct me if I’m wrong. This is the third appearance […]

Lego Club Jr skatebaord

Lego Club Jr skateboard

Instructions on how to build a pretty weak interpretation of a skateboard, as seen in Lego Club Jr magazine, March/April 2014 edition.

Skateboarding in popular mechanics 1965

Popular Mechanics Skateboard Acrobatics

The July, 1965 issue of Popular Mechanics features a five page spread on skateboarding. I had sort of assumed that in 1965, skateboarding was still an “all-American” sport, looked at by the general public as an amusing or cute attempt to imitate surfing. It was surprising to learn that a “prominent psychologist” said that “the […]


TDK tapes, so real.

This is a TDK advertisement shot at Venice Beach circa 1989. I’ve seen this up on ebay before, actually but this one actually comes from the Google Books, repository, adjacent to the digital knoll. It’s from “Spy” magazine… ha. Remember that one? I’m looking at the shape of that board and thinking that might be […]


Nyjah Huston for GQ

Here’s a short video with some behinds the scenes action on a Nyjah Huston photoshoot for GQ Magazine. I haven’t actually seen a copy of the magazine in some time, but if the web site is any indication, it looks like it’s turning into People magazine, not very sophisticated. If you watch the video on […]