Skate and Annoy Cameo on The Nine Club #356

Skate and Annoy makes a cameo appearance about 3:30 into episode #356 of The Nine Club, featuring Steve Olson & Steve Alba. Apparently Alba has a few boxes NOS Clouds that were manufactured by Rannalli. The Nine Club used an ad from the Vintage Skate Mag Advert gallery as a visual reference because not everyone […]

Guns and Butter and Skateboards

Stay in your own lane Mike Huckabee. Leave the skate-harassment of Beto to the professionals. This isn’t a laughing matter, but Dr. Schapiro sure made my day.


Kei Kamara flying his longboard to Boston

Kei Kamara, former DP of Columbus Crew and recent high profile / scandalous signee to The New England Revolution taking his longboard with him on a flight to Boston. That’s right soccer/skateboarding fans…. more breaking MLS action here on Skate and Annoy. I never thought there would be another S&A crossover post that didn’t involve […]


Temptations Lab Catterbox

Catterbox is a an attempt at viral marketing by Temptations, that is set up to appear like a crowd funding project for a cat collar that translates cat meows into the English language, a la the Baby Translator on the Simpsons. This leash demeans us both. I wouldn’t say that it’s super successful because when […]


Lunchables with Interweb Skateboard Kabobbles

A Lunchables print ad and some random Lunchables skateboard action on their web site from a year or so ago. In trying to link to the Lunchables Uploaded post with with Rob Dydrek, I realized I never posted anything about it. So.. yeah. Rob Dyrdek had a thing with Lunchables called Uploaded. It was a […]


Most People Ride Skateboards…

As seen on How Stuff Works, more aptly titled “How stuff works as vaguely understood by people who don’t quite know what the whole story is.


Dress Sweatpants and Car Insurance

Random web advertising with skateboards. On the left, Betabrand offers dress pants made out of sweatpants-like material, perfect for toting your longboard. On the Right, Metromile offers car insurance by the mile and rad dudes by the dozen. Neither of these skateboard riding (or at least carrying) consumers appear to be part of a larger […]


Jerry Seinfeld admires skateboarders

At about 11:40 in the Chris Rock episode of Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee you can watch Jerry profess his unsolicited admiration for skateboarders. Weird. I first saw this via Jeff Hedges on Facebook. Not that weird. There’s no embedded video so you’ll need to click through. I’ve watched a handful of these and overall […]


FridayT&A on S&A: Neal Hendrix as Sports Babe of the Day

Neal Hendrix is Babes dig Balls Sports Babe of the Day. Babes Dig Balls is “The sports spot by babes who dig balls…and pucks.” If the interwebs has taught me anything, it’s that this site probably run by a 30-something dude. What is sexier than a babe on a skateboard with five X Games medals […]