
Wee Willie Winkies

Thanks to Jim Thompson for these photos of Wee Willie Winkies. That’s “winkles” not “Winkles” as in Wee Willi Winkels. These disgusting looking, sickly pale, pink, fleshy appendages come from Scotland. Sausage skateboards probably require pizza grip to deal with all that extra grease.


What the fruit do I know?

Sultana Yo Fruit packaging, made in the Netherlands with 90’s American marketing. I especially like the “What the fruit do I know?” tagline on the side of the package. I’m not sure what the little mascot actually is, but Matthijs thinks it’s a cellphone. Stranger things have happened. They look like miniature pop-tarts, but not […]


Restless Years

Restless Years is pale ale from Evanston Illinois’ Temperance brewery. Aside from skateboards on a beer can, they have bragging rights as Evanston’s first and oldest brewery, dating “way back” to 2013. – Thanks to Neil “I’d obviously rather be drinking than writing Ebay Watch” for the pics.


Taco Cabana

Rich Burton’s significant other acquired this Taco Cabana cup in Texas way back in 1995, some 10 years before before getting together with Rich, and another 10 before Rich noticed it and sent a picture to me. If the hippies had their way, this invaluable piece of cultural history would have bio-degraded and been lost […]


The Snack Artist Gets Ramped Up

The in-house Safeway brand Snack Artist tortilla chips in “ramped up” zesty ranch flavor. Radical.


Yardstick Bubblegum

The package of Yardstick Bubble gum, which is in fact a yard long, features funnish facts related to measuring things. Is the longest skateboard 37 feet, 7 inches? Which one is that?


Mr Christies

Spotted in Vancouver B.C., Mr Christies mini Oreos. – Thanks to Stephen B for the pic.


Extreme Fruity Pebbles

Andrew sent me a picture of this box some two years ago, but it was pretty blurry so I resolved to try and find one in a store, but never did. In the meantime I found some good scans online via Mr Breakfast and Flickr user Jason B. This is a limited edition box of […]


Maxi Cereal

Skateboarding on German cereal boxes. Bonus shot of bizarro Osiris raver boot after the jump. – Thanks to Daniel for the pics.