Skateboarder Magazine – Feb 1979

I just wrapped up adding 61 ads from volume 5, number 7 of Skateboarder magazine from February of 1979. There are some good ones in there. A few that caught my eye were for Turning Point, Haut Lamaflex (Lama-flex?), Hobie (skate shoes), Powerflex, Independent (w Henry Hester), and Caster with Wally Innouye. Also of interest, […]

Archie #270 – The Snow Skate Then and Now

The cover of Archie #270 (published in April of 1978) features Archie predicting the invention of the Snow Skate, a product that would first be announced in 1979! I’ve seen ads for the 70’s version snow skates before, and I keep looking for them on my hard drive and online like it’s Groundhog Day. I […]

Skate and Annoy Cameo on The Nine Club #356

Skate and Annoy makes a cameo appearance about 3:30 into episode #356 of The Nine Club, featuring Steve Olson & Steve Alba. Apparently Alba has a few boxes NOS Clouds that were manufactured by Rannalli. The Nine Club used an ad from the Vintage Skate Mag Advert gallery as a visual reference because not everyone […]

John & Iggy & Mike

I love it when worlds collide. You’re looking at a picture of director John Waters and Iggy Pop, likely taken around 1990, possibly promoting the film Cry Baby. And, you’re looking at it on Skate and Annoy because I love both of these guys, and Iggy is wearing a Powell Peralta Mike McGill t-shirt. You […]

Grrl Scouts Work Sucks #1

With that title you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a 90’s comic book, but Grrl Scouts Work Sucks v1 #1 was published in 2003 by Image Comics. Grrl Scouts is the creation of Jim Mahfood, and there have been a few volumes with different subtitles such as Girl Scouts: Stone Ghost, Grrl Scouts: Magic […]

Laugh #309 with Jinx in The Board game

It’s rare to find an Archie Comics Group story with skateboarding that doesn’t focus on Archie, Jughead, or poor Mr Weatherby. Laugh comics #309, published in December of 1976, has a story with a character named Li’l Jinx titled “The Board Game.” The comics seems to be aimed mostly at teens, but they have a […]

Go Over Tough Wave

About a year and a half a go I was at KPub waiting to place an order for some very delicious Korean food when a video for an unknown (to me) Kpop band showed up on the TV screen on the wall near the counter. I assume it’s Kpop, maybe it’s Jpop or some other […]

Anthropomorphic Hot Dog Wearing Sunglasses And Smoking?

Is that and anthropomorphic hot dog wearing sunglasses and smoking? Yes. You can get print from Rory Blank. He’s got lots of other stuff too, shirts, zines, stickers… UPDATE: I thought that sale looked familiar, Rory is the same wizard that brought you “People of Earth” AKA Alien riding a skateboard with his penis.

Commodore C64 Skateboard & Computer in a Box

This started as another David ODK post that I rescued out of drafts and embellished. It’s an Italian special edition Commodore C64 computer that came in a box with a skateboard! David found the board on Etsy back in 2015, and I had a screen cap from Facebook that showed a box with no info […]