old bmx ramp in Naperville

Who wears short shorts?

One of the lynchpins of the BMX vs. Skateboards in skateparks arguments is that BMXers are always leeching of of skateboarders efforts. Well, that’s not always true. The first half pipe I ever saw, rode, or photographed was built by BMX kids in the woods of suburban Naperville Illinois, some time around 1984-85. The skaters […]

Earth Patrol Media

How’s that new camera?

Oh great, now I’m not the only wannabe skate-photog lurking in Portland. Hey Rich, how’s that new camera working out for you? Pretty good, huh? Just don’t get in my shots man, or I’ll sic Lil’ Pimp on you. Everyone is a photographer. Why not make the deck a little more crowded by checking out […]

Pier Park drizzle session

Dueling inverts.

I had this post planned for today before I saw Mark’s other Andrecht post. As you can see, he’s still doing them. These are some shots from a quick session at Pier Park over the weekend. It was wet and overcast, but the weed burner enabled a safe entry and exit into the deep end. […]

Dan Estabrook and Mark Conahan at the Canton Ramp

Canton, Massachusetts

Contort’s Dan Estabrook was bored with MC’s Andrechts 22 years ago. Looks like a lively session, though.

on the quad

Killing it! (?)

Ok, this trick involved riding up on the other side of the railing, doing the boneless grab foot shuffle thing and jumping onto the railing, then off the railing over the cement ledges, and onto the bricks. Makes my knees hurt just looking at it. The purple asterisk is on the print. Apparently I thought […]

newberg teaser

Sunny and dry.

The rain here is on the verge of turning to snow. It’s hard to believe these shots were taken only 10 days ago. That’s a kid named Brogan on left and our own Steve Grover of Grover’s Video Korner fame on the right. It’s been long time since I’ve taken a decent photo of him. […]

Pier Park in the rain


We thought we might be able sneak in a quick session at the end of the day. Local streets had dried up so we went for it. The closer we got, the wetter the windshield became. When we got there, a few kids were camped out in the pipe. More pics of this momentous session […]

Team Santa Cruz reunion 2006

Steve Alba, Troy Sliter, Duane Peters, Steve Olson at the Newberg leg of the Oregon Trifecta 06 SkateDaily’s February 16 Top Three.

patrujo's photos

I went to art school and all I got was Patrujo envy.

Let this be a lesson to you all! Don’t leave a comment unless you are prepared for us to link to your bitchin’ art. Check out Patrujo’s photos on Flickr. There is a skateboard category, of course, which is my excuse for linking to the larger body with some of his more interesting work. Most […]