Double in Arizona from Old Man Army

No questions. Arizona

More Arizona action from Old Man Army. Doubles. Nice shot, huh? You have to see it to believe it. Update: Added an alternate shot.

Slob Air Sweeper

Questions in Arizona

What do you call this, a slob sweeper? Who is this guy? Where is he skating? What would posses him to get inked on his shins? Ask Old Man Army. (Link Fixed)

Pile of crap

Sometimes you skate a pile of crap

Sometimes you skate a pile of crap, not because you have to, but because it’s fun. OK, only about enough fun for five minutes.

Dave Campbell at Modern Skate in grand Rapids Michigan

Grand Rapids Michigan

Here’s a couple pictures of Dave Campbell skating Modern Skate Park in Grand Rapids Michigan. If that name rings a bell, it’s because Dave had a brief but memorable spot in the Santa Cruz video Troops of Tomorrow. Since Chompy hasn’t posted that one yet, you can watch some Swedish guys on Flask TV, possibly […]

Steve McBride at West Linn

Battling photographers.

It’s pretty incestuous Portland skate-media scene here. Of course, there are recent additions to the area that I haven’t seen yet, but for the most part, a lot of us skate the same spots together. Case in point. Seeing a recent photo of Steve McBride on EPM reminded me a shot I took of the […]

Addict Skateboards in Grand Cayman

But did you see Johnny Depp?

Addict Skateboards made a trip out to the Cayman Islands to skate the Black Pearl and surrounding areas. Some cool shots on their blog, but there is no way to group them together. In the mean time just do some scrolling.

Earth Patrol Media at Pier Park

EPM at Pier Park

Earth Patrol Media has a small gallery with some good shots at Pier Park. Unlike me, Rich doesn’t seem to mind pointing the camera away from the deep end. Check it out. Kim’s carving 50-50 with no shoes is my favorite. Boneless by Xavier and bone out by Shawn Reinert.

Chris Nukala - 2004

This ramp is gone. This kid is older.

Yes, I’m struggling again. Here’s some pics of Chris Nukala from April of 2004 on his ramp in his back yard. The point of this is not to mention the crappy photos (my fault) or the fact that Chris hadn’t gone through puberty yet (his parent’s fault) but rather to point out that he recently […]

Florida street skating in the 80's

When in doubt…

You can usually tell when I don’t have a lot of time to devote to updates. Old pics fron the 80’s should be the tip off. About once a year our family would visit my grandparents in Florida, usually around spring break time. These pics were taken in Clearwater in the mid to late 80’s, […]