Tigard corner air

In the corner pocket

Seth Berg sent in this picture of a Ryan Gray air in the square corner at Tigard. It’s not technically masterful, but it has a certain appeal. Enjoy.

Tigard thumbnails

Tigard Snapshots

Some snaps I took at Tigard last week when there were only four people there.

Night falls on Tigard

Shortest skatepark opening ever.

Rich from EPM notes: Tigard’s grand opening is at 4:30 on Nov. 8th. Well, the sign says the park is open from sunrise to sunset. We go to daylight savings time on Sunday, Nov. 4th making sunset at approx. 4:45 pm on Nov. 8th. That’s Joesf Heffner working on airing over the dinosaur with nightfall […]

OMA Halloween

Getting ready…

Halloween is almost upon us. Be on the lookout for depraved and crazed maniacs at local skate spots near you. This one was sent in by Mike Furst of Old Man Army.

Royce Nelson in San Pablo

SOTW: 10-29-07

This week’s shot comes courtesy of Davoud at Concussion. If this Royce Nelson crail at a San Pablo pool looks familiar, it’s because it also ran printed in Low Card. But hey, it’s in color here. Check out the the un-cropped version here.

Mark Conahan at Pier Park


These days with the time change and bad weather right around the corner, I’m more worried about skating than snapping pics, hence this shot of Mark Conahan airing across the mouse hole at Pier Park. Good weather, good session lads. Click to enlarge.

Girls allowed in this area

French girls allowed in this area

These French longboarders are a wacky crew. They have a photo set on Flickr called “Girls allowed in this area” comprised of photos that range from pinup style to “look at the silly things my girlfriend will put up with from me” to “these are my daughters.” Did I mention that every shot has a […]

Snoopy air freshener

Snoopy, circa 1988

I snapped this picture after a late night skate session with Dr. Brad, some time around 1988. I don’t think this air freshener had any special powers to combat pad rot. The copyright says 1958! Maybe that’s when the illustration was was first printed, but it seems a little early if you ask me.


Summer is over

We’ve had a few risque posts here lately, so I thought I’d be open handed and fair by putting up something for the ladies… This exotic dance team will be appearing at the Scab and Flab nightly for your enjoyment. Try the chicken fried steak and don’t forget to tip your waitress. So drink it […]