Burnside 2004

Because a Day Without a Post…

Because a day without a post is lame. So here are some mediocre shots I took in 2004 at a sparsely attended non-test at Burnside.

Donavan at Newberg

What Do You Call This?

This is 2004 picture of everyone’s favorite ex-Donald local turned neo-Rastafarian, Donavan. Looks like he’s doing some sort of layback rock and roll, but then again I can’t remember what tricks are called these days, or other days for that matter. He’s at Newberg Ore on top of a good 10 feet or so of […]

Artist's Rendition

Artist’s Rendition

Since it’s not actually finished or open yet, you’ll have to make do with this artist’s rendition of as sight that I’m sure Pier Park locals will get sick of seeing after a few months. Can you tell that I am getting antsy waiting for Pier Park? I mean there’s got to be better things […]

Victor Koons

He’s a Professional

I wanted to bump the horrible graphic of the newspaper logos, so here’s 2001 shot of Victor Koons at a crappy prefab in Sunburry PA. He’s a got a career, so don’t tell anyone he’s on this web site.

Mike Poor in Champaign Skate Park

Boring Sequence

But it’s not his fault. I’ve always wanted to do one of those sequence in one frame shots that mimic strobe photography at night. So here it is. It’s not Mike Poor’s fault that this isn’t much to look at. It’s one heck of a long railslide though. I had to shoot it several times […]

Upside down invert

I Do All My Tricks Double Switch

The concept of this picture turned out to be more interesting than the reality. Shoot an invert with a guy touching the bottom of a boar, flipit 180 degrees and make it look like the skater is balancing on the other guy’s fingers. It looks weird all right, like Grover has been shrunk down, but […]

Hailey Panorama

Ooooh, Pretty.

Me take pretty picture. Nice. So far the only picture MC has declassified from the Hailey Loop of Death mission is this striking shot. Follow the link to see it in all it’s glory. It’s worth it.

Andy Collage

Andy Wissman, Where Are you?

This Flickr thing is… another great way to waste time. This kid Any Wissman has a couple of cool skate photos posted there. I googled him to see if I could find a web site or something, and found his myspace page. (Nice self portrait!) Problem with all these so-called free Interweb communities and services […]

Burbank Illinois Skate park

Chicago Suburbs Rock

Getting ready to go to Chicago next weekend for the 25th anniverary of Touch And Go Records, mostly to see the legendary Didjits reunion with all original members!(!!!) This is an excuse to bump that ugly graphic from the West Linn Tidings. So here’s a shot of a suburban Chicago skatepark in Burbank from 2002. […]