Pier Park Star

Pier Park Deep End Star.

I don’t know what this kids name is (Now I do. It’s Willis.) or where he is from. He split before I remembered to ask him. I do know that he was tearing it up. He’s supposed to email me so I can send him some pictures. More after the jump

Matt Swan at the Turf In Milwaukee

The Turf

I have to place this picture sometime between 1989 and 1991. This is Matt Swan in the capsule at The Turf in Milwaukee Wisconsin. In the late 70’s early 80’s this park was called Surf and Turf. Pocket Pistols made a deck with the old logo on it, although it’s unclear if they ever actually […]

Gratuitous Pier Park

Gratuitous Pier Park

Troy Sliter sent in some pics of Pier Park. Some are from opening day. Others, not so much. Rather than integrate them into the already existing feature, I’ll just put them up here. More after the jump.


Artist’s Rendition Pt. 2

Yeah not much of a fake out, huh? It just had to look a little less than obvious. Rich Burton took this pic. See it larger after the jump.

Shawn Reinert

Good Vibes, Pier Park Rules.

I don’t know how this park compares to the new Upland, but the consensus around PDX is that we have a world class park. More pictures later. This is just to tide you over. That’s Shawn Reinert airing out of the pipe into the deep end. Click it to make him big.

last night 10-12-06 St Johns

Last Night PT 2

What can I say, I’m a little giddy about this damn park. Waiting for my batteries to charge up before I head back. Could have uses a few pops of the external flash, but no matter, the park isn’t going anywhere. Click to see it bigger.

Pier Park

Last Night

Last night. Four minute exposure. Mark and I running around popping the flash. It’s drizzling there right now. Hopefully it will clear up soon! A couple lucky kids who were “pressing glass” sleeping in their car after getting booted from the pipe at 4am – they got to get a quick 5 minute session at […]

Will Powers 2004 DOS bowl

More Indoor

It’s Will Powers in the oft neglected D.O.S. bowl circa late 2004. Someone said they were resurfacing it. Anyone know if that’s true? I’d consult the web site but it looks like they haven’t updated it in a couple of years.

Jason's indoor living room ramp

Missing In Action

Hey PDX locals, has anyone seen Jason lately? Sifting through some pics I came across this 2003 shot of him in his living room which he converted into a ramp. I haven’t seen him in a while. Over a year actually. More pics after the jump.