Marek in Germany

It’s a long way back to Germany

Our spy in Europe sent in this report. I don’t know what it means other than you are going to get sick of seeing pictures of Marek. here are some photos from that east german park – oschatz – it wasnt bad but only thing which was kind of challenging (czech spelling for me please) […]

marek in czech

Local Czech goes home, makes good

Portland transplant Marek Litinsky is back in Czechoslovakia working for the KGB selling used skis. Don’t ask me, apparently it’s enough money to make it worthwhile. While reports have been almost non-existent, he had this to say: I also entered national championschip in bowl and ended up third. so I had money for a party. […]

Brian Crane Beaverton Ramp


This is Brian Crane at the deceased Beaverton vert ramp back in ’00 or ’01. He was in a band called Avalauncher. One New Years eve he played in a one off band billed as the Pretendents, a Decendents cover band. We showed up and drank the last of the beer and rocked our asses […]

Sunburry PA kid skates in the dirt

Skaters poach BMX spots.

My friend Steve Grover has a theory that if you are over 30 and skateboard, you will eventually meet everyone else who is, or run into someone who knows them. This is not a strict application of that theory, but last night as I was trying to get in a few post-work runs at Pier […]

Earth Patrol Media - Foto Friday

Earth Patrol Media – Foto Friday

Earth Patrol Media’s Foto Friday feature has some cool shots from yesterday at Pier Park that Rich managed to take with a lowly point and shoot. The sun was setting and I knew he was going to get a few beauties if he could time the shutter lag right. Fortunately for him, with the height […]


Gonz at Alcatraz

I forget where I downloaded this photo, but it has been sitting on my computer at work for over 6 months now. I like the Gonz, and you should too.

Bogota Colombia Skaters

Shout Out to Columbia Colombia!

So I have a friend in the Army who is “advising” a Colombian infantry division when not acting as our International Correspondent. I don’t want to hazard a guess as to what advising means. You’ve all seen “Sniper” right? Ha ha! Just teasing kids! So here are some kids in Bogota Colombia, enjoying the international […]

fake newberg shot

Double Take.

Revisiting and extending an earlier post. Check it out to see the original. Bored bored bored. This hastily executed concept was originally suggested by MC.

Pier Park Perfect Day

Perfect Day

And it was. Celebrating a Matt’s birthday out in the St Johns neighborhood of Portland with food, beer (with permit!) and friends. Indian summer was in full effect and people are still amazed by the park. Matt Moffet got his brand new skateboard stolen but another kid (supposedly) coughed it up later in the day. […]