Skateboard in Turkey

Turkey of a Turkey Day post

I’m on the road with the family for the holiday. That’s why you’re not seeing the regular amount of activity here. For our readers outside of the States, we’re celebrating the memory of the white man spreading small pox to the indigenous population of North America, otherwise known as Thanksgiving. We cook and eat turkeys […]

Skatepark in Iran

Is it real or the Onion?

I keep thinking this is a fake article, like something you’d find on the Onion, but it seems like it’s real. When I reported on it in June, it seemed like a bad idea, destined to go nowhere, but it popped up again in Denver’s Westworld News. Regardless of the plan to open a skatepark […]

Themepark skateboarding in Iraq

Disneyland skatepark in Iraq?

Not exactly. The Baghdad Zoo and Entertainment Experience is being designed by the by the firm that developed Disneyland. Err.. wouldn’t that be Walt Disney? Sort of. Exporting American style amusement parks like Euro Disney have been about as successful as the Iraq War, and these are in countries we didn’t invade. From the Times […]

Bahrain skate action

You’ve got to let that raga drop

Welsh Pete via Sleestak found this video of some Arab skateboarding action that complements some of the stuff we’ve posted lately. Rather than reinterpret, I’ll poach use his own words: So between the ages of 10 and 17 I lived in Bahrain. The only kids that really skated were us Brits and Yanks. Not many […]

desert storm

Don’t be fooled by recent violence

I heard the President of my country on the radio lying this morning. He must have been lying because he was talking. Anyway, mentioned something about the recent escalation in violence in Iraq, which is a great excuse to post this retread of a retread story about skateboarding during the time of operation Desert Storm. […]

Middle East skateboarding

Skate from Dubai to Israel.

Boards, bikinis, bombs and boneheads is the working title for this post, but I don’t want people to get the wrong idea. I’ve got a mish mash of skateboarding action from Dubai and Israel. Some of it has more serious overtones, and some of it is stupidity. The rest falls in between.

Yad Lebanim

Skate and incarcerate

This spot is called Yad Lebanim, and it’s in Jerusalem, Israel. It’s a memorial for soldiers killed in the IDF, or Israeli Defense Force. Something tells me that any skateboarding on the premises would be met with a swift response. Something more forceful than what happens when dipshits in the U.S. decide to skate on […]

Yad Kennedy

(Rad) Yad Kennedy

Dave Tobin sent me a picture to tie in with the Israeli energy bar commercial that has skateboarding in it. It’s some very skateable architecture by David Resnick designed as a memorial for John F. Kennedy outside of Jerusalem, Israel. I had a hard time finding pictures of the “Jerusalem Kennedy Memorial” online, but if […]

Israeli energy bar

Extreme Hanukkah

What about all the skateboarding Jews? We just don’t see Hanukka skateboarding marketing tie ins like we do with Christmas. Jew, Gentile, regular, goofy… it’s all the same. I don’t even know when Hanukkah is, it’s probably over already. Here’s an Israeli TV commercial for what looks like an exploding energy bar that blatantly rips […]