Mountain Dew Rush

We live in a world so extreme that, err… uh, different commercials for different.. planets I guess. It’s been a while since we’ve visited the car-as-skateboard theme, nay, archetype. Nope? Too soon. OK. – Thanks to… I can’t remember. I ‘ve been out of the loop for a while. Hit me up and I’ll add […]

Altered Focus: Myanmar road trip

The purpose of this video was supposed to be to portray Myanmar in a different light from the usual perspective of human rights violations and conflict. The filmmakers spend so much time talking about the negative aspects and whining about being lonely in a foreign land that they kind of fail in that aspect. Also […]

Carving vs. carving

A German cat named Tobias Megerle has commissioned traditional wood carvers in Mombai, India to make ornamental skateboards instead of furniture for a change, and boy do those sorry guys look miserable. He plans on showing them in an exhibit at a gallery called the Loft at Lower Parel. Megerle said he had been fascinated […]

Balancing the trade deficit

At long last we’re finally shipping some substandard manufactured goods to China instead of receiving them. The Fanling Vert Ramp in Hong Kong being perpetrated by American Ramp Company. It’s prefab concrete, which I gotta say kind of makes sense to me. I mean, if you’re going to build a concrete vert ramp, prefab might […]

Friday T&A on S&A: Year end edition

Ending 2010 on a classy note here with this pinup poster of the Japanese pop group called AKB48, which near as I can tell from the web site has something to do with the fact that there is apparently at least 48 girls in the group at any given time. I ‘m not even kidding. […]

Far East Billiards

I love watching videos from the Far East Skate Network. They sweat skills and poop creativity. Keep watching, because just when you think you know their next move, they throw a curveball. – Thanks to t Skate D for the tip.

Karina’s Collection

Nissen is a girls clothing brand in Japan. This commercial is airing in Tokyo. That’s all I have to say on the subject, except thanks to Jeff Thompson for the tip.

Protesting a Nike skatepark in Japan

Homeless folks inhabiting Miyashita Park in Tokyo are understandably upset about the fact that their local government has sold the park out from under them. Apparently there were no public hearings or notices before the sale to NIke became final. NIke has plans to turn it into a well-landscaped skate plaza. The park has a […]

Woodward Beijing

If they’re going to make all our skateboards, they might as well learn how to ride them. There’s a new Camp Woodward opening up in Beijing China. Woodward Beijing celebrates a grand opening on May 15th. Among other facilities, they’ve got a street plaza built by California Skateparks.