Go Over Tough Wave

About a year and a half a go I was at KPub waiting to place an order for some very delicious Korean food when a video for an unknown (to me) Kpop band showed up on the TV screen on the wall near the counter. I assume it’s Kpop, maybe it’s Jpop or some other […]

Maid to Skate

Artist @suzushiro333 has a series of Manga/Anime style illustrations called Maid to Skate that features… well, maids in formal attire skateboarding. While all of them exhibit a certain amount of humor, some of them are quite beautiful and you can tell the artist either skates or has at the very minimum done a really good […]

Nameless, but not Skateless

There are famous examples of skate able transitioned walls in architecture that have appeared in skate photos over the year, but this new one from Nameless Architecture in Daejeon, South Korea takes it to a new level. Source: Dezeen. – Thanks to MC for the tip.

The Pink Panther: Mexican, Japanese, Well Groomed, Puzzling and Animated.

It’s a Pink Panther jumbo post! – Thanks to Cool Steve for 99% of this.

Whatsup With This Skateable Dragon?

I think this web site is called WHATSUP. (WHATSUP???) Follow this link for pictures of a crazy concrete dragon built for skating in an art exhibit they may have something to do with Vans.


Seven Samurai Nissan Noodles

Do you want to see a guy in a samurai costume exhibiting professional levels of skills in surfing, soccer and other pastimes, like say… skateboarding? Bowl and street skills, no less. If so, look no further than this Nissan foods commercial for Samurai Noodles.


Freeing Japanime Figures

Hard drive cleaning time:  Freeing makes PVC anime figures and accessories, mostly scantily clad stuff in the vein of your typical Hook-Ups graphic. Even when they aren’t scantily clad, they still look like Sorayama robots. These must sell like gangbusters. I mean, who wouldn’t want a highly posable figure of a sensuous, big breasted mannequin riding […]


The J is for Japanese

Michael J. Fox made some commercials in Japan for the Honda Integra in the late 80’s and early 90’s that were essentially designed to remind you that Fox was in Back to the Future without having to pay Robert Zemeckis and and Bob Gale. This is a print piece that looks like it was probably […]


Additions to Lakeside, Pokhara Skate Park in Nepal

Recent additions to Pokhara Skate Park in Nepal, which has been around since 2011. Who knew? I mean, besides the skaters in Nepal. – Thanks to Adlan Farazi for the tip.