Grrl Scouts Work Sucks #1
With that title you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a 90’s comic book, but Grrl Scouts Work Sucks v1 #1 was published in 2003 by Image Comics. Grrl Scouts is the creation of Jim Mahfood, and there have been a few volumes with different subtitles such as Girl Scouts: Stone Ghost, Grrl Scouts: Magic Socks, and even a volume 2 of Work Sucks. Near as I can tell the last one was published 2017. The web site listed in the colophon is defunct but now there is jimmahfood.com. I haven’t seen any of the other issues and this one is the only one that showed up with a skateboard key word search. The interior is all black and white, and there is some incidental skateboarding on the inside. During the part that concerns us, the girls are drug dealers and they consider hanging out at the skatepark to get some new customers. It’s never the skateboarders causing trouble, it’s always the hangers-on, usually the girls… amiright? Black and white comics can often be a hard sell, but the artwork in Grrl Scouts is so good that you lose yourself in the illustrations. Love the layouts. One thing that I read in connection with Jim’s titles is that he owns them outright, so he must only be loaning them to his publishers. I’m just a tourist in the comic book world, I’m mostly ever there for the skateboarding, but that seems pretty savvy. The work has to be good enough to be in demand to create that kind of clout for the creator. Maybe there are lots of titles like that. Like I said, I’m just a tourist. Educate me.
UPDATE: As I went to publish this I found the original title, just plain “Grrl Scouts” without a subtitle, was in fact a 90’s comic by the skin of Jim Mahfood’s teeth, with the first 4 issues published in 1999.
Just the skateboarding bits…