Rich Dick Gets Snubbed by Skateboarding Community, Buys DIY Spot out of Spite.
Douchebag rightwing video personality Tim Pool tried to co-opt a local DIY scene in Martinsburg, WV by throwing money at them unsolicited. When rebuffed publicly, he ended up buying the property as an “investment.” While the spot still remains open, and skateable, the locals are less than keene to engage anymore due to uncertainty about what Pool will do, and not wanting to be involved with a guy who associates with White Nationalists and says things like “Vice President Kamala Harris is Hitler and Stalin combined but times 200.” To be fair, the spot looks like it could use a cash infusion, but Pool’s offer (20k!) was for the purse in a trick contest and not for the spot itself. According to the article, Pool himself admitted he bought the spot partially to get back at the “woke” crowd that didn’t want his involvement. The locals have been taunting him (“Tim Pool can’t slappy.”) and he has posted videos to debunk that, bragging about his “first try” tricks. So yeah, another stable genius. Money can’t buy you a decent personality. Yo, Barry, can you believe this?
Source: Washington Post via Yahoo News. Thanks to Troy Sliter for the tip.