Frank is on a Roll
Frank is a private label brand for Canadian Tire, an automotive company (?) that somehow has a long history of retail stores as well. I mean sure, Panasonic made stereos and bicycles so…. Tires, paper towels and potato chips! The Frank brand has amusing packaging, with the character Frank essentially being the anthropomorphized version of whatever they are trying to sell. Hence, Hank is on a roll, Hank Brings Home the Bacon, Hank turns spuds into studs. What’s the translation for “ne se roule pas les pouces?” Don’t roll thumbs?
– Thanks to Darren Haugen for the pic.

Frank paper towels were such a sought after item in the Canadian Tire I shop at (Calgary Mount Royal) that it comes as a shock that it is no longer available there.
What reason could there possibly be to rid the shelves of this popular (and money making) product.
I would very much appreciate an answer.
Thanks in advance.
Sir, do you realize where you are?