Jeff Kendall: Girls, Tik Tok, and the Pandemic Have Made Skateboarding Popular.
I heard he worked there but I did not realize that Jeff Kendall is the president and Chief Marketing Officer of NHS. I guess we can blame him for Santa Cruz’ inability to say no to any co-branding opportunity or strange accessory items. Madrid might be the only skate company out there with a lower bar. Scratch that, Vision is the worst. But I digress…. Jeff Kendall is one of the sources quoted in this article on NPR. Skateboard sales have risen dramatically during the pandemic, much like bicycles did. Kendall says he’s never seen more females involved in skateboarding in his life, and mentions something about that one International competition contributing to the perfect storm… what was that? Oh yeah, the Olympics. The most interesting thing in the article is the link to Proper Gnar, a black, female owned brand out of Ohio that is enjoying great success. The art direction is sort of a less sexualized hiphop influenced Hook Ups style but with women/girls of color and some 80’s retro thrown in.
Photo Left: Ruby Medina by Shayn Almeida on NPR. Right: Proper Gnar
Oh ship, here I am again about to comment. Brace yourself.
The trend of girls skating has been going on for quite some time now. I wish you old guys would quit using the wife, or the kids as an excuse to not skate. Get off Netflix, tell the old lady the man is going to skate.
That being said, I was quite lonely riding Pacific City last week and invite you now to Skate Tour 2021 in Prineville the weekend after Labor day. September 11-13th, hitting Bend and Evergreens creation then the water park on the river you can surf. After that, it’s off to Sisters for a eve sesh and camping.