We’re back!
Holy @#$%!!! I almost gave up on this web site, but at long last, after almost a year (!) we’re back online. Losing almost 8000 posts and 40,000 comments was a shock at first, but after a the initial dismay it became sort of a blessing, like a weight lifted off my shoulders. About 7 months into it, I was able to recover the raw files, but I wasn’t sure if I was up to the gargantuan task of putting everything back together, and I doubted whether or not there was any point in doing it. Skate and Annoy was seeing infrequent updates at the time it went down. It had been online since 1996. But it didn’t really take off until 2003. Not counting the 80’s print editions, that’s almost 15 years of devoting an unnatural amount of attention to a web site with little to show for it except the occasional free product sent in to review, and a ton of bad CD’s. So I decided to let it die a natural death.
Except I couldn’t quite let it go. I would still get the occasional tip from former readers. I was still saving tv commercials with skateboarding in them. I was still taking pictures of skateboarding in advertising.
Skate and Annoy is back. The server is pokey as hell, and The theme needs to be revamped for modern web delivery, but it’s still here. Updates will continue to be sporadic, but there will be updates. There will be bugs too, while I work on performance upgrades.
My Google page ranks have probably been decimated by a year of 404 errors, so I’m not sure anyone is going to see this, but thank you for returning. Thanks you for being a fan of Skate and Annoy.
No crickets! The Internet has noticed!
Yesssssss! I’ve kept your site in my favourites all this time and check back in occasionally to see if anything’s changed. And HERE YOU ARE!
Welcome back!
Yes! Thanks Randy. It was hella Annoying having the website down for so long.
How long until ebay watch?
Welcome back – so glad the site is back up!
My muscle memory has been checking this site for forever it seems, glad it has returned.
You’re baaaaack!!!
Welcome back. Helluva job, man!
The phoenix rises! Welcome back Skate and Annoy!
Well, hey! Glad to see you’re back. Now where are those lame ebay auction reviews…
Glad your back!
That’s great!
cool , i thought it was done. glad see it s back on ‘keep it up i need my fix
Hey good to see you back. Just randomly check on the web site and there it is. Glad to see it back. How about some new E-bay watch.
thanks for bringing back the site. I just found this place and im just bopping around through your old posts
Welcome back. I contributed several things years ago. Lost track, but I’m glad you are still here!