You’re in good company
Skateboards are prohibited, no matter how snazzy they look. Still having a hard time wrapping my head around why it would be important to ban skateboards in a movie theater. Thanks a lot, one guy who rode down the aisle back in 1981, based on the skateboard depicted.
No luggage? What if I want to catch a flick on the way to the airport? Good to know that weapons are prohibited, but only if they are concealed. The management would prefer that everyone to knows how much of badass you are.
One bad apple. I skated to the mall yesterday to get an Orange Julius and check out the 2-for-1 anime deals in the movie store. The clerk kindly informed me that skateboards weren’t allowed in the store because someone had stolen a bunch of crap and then skated away with it. Apparently, no one was able to catch the crook and they remain free to this day. I think it was Mike V because the floors are carpeted and it’s not easy to roll fast on them.