Not much newsworthy about the fingerboard fad these days. If you’ve been to the toy aisle of a Target lately you’ll have noticed the the Tech Deck presence has shrunk dramatically from what it was in their heyday. They’ve tried releasing old school shapes, longboards, and even retro plastic cruisers in fingerboard form in an effort to sustain the market. However, they did not try whatever this thing is from China. It’s the mother of all wackyboards for your fingers, featuring alternative bouncy spring trucks and a rotating, detachable deck with built-in bindings. Just when I was absolutely certain I would never buy another fingerboard.
It sure is glorious…
In packaging.
Deck designs straight from Back to the Future II.
I can’t believe this tiny little bearing is actually made out of metal. Looks like you can swap out your bindings to change color.
Of course this makes sense. How many times have you wished your board could do this in real life?
The finest in alternative fingerboarding truck technology.