Cuba Libre
The Guardian has a short video on the challenges of skateboarding in Cuba, which although well done, is just about like every other one we’ve seen on the subject. Public Radio International has a slightly different take on the situation, focusing on the difficulties facing girls who want to skateboard in Cuba. According to a the trailer for Patinas Sin Fronteras En Cuba, Cuban skaters don’t want your pity, they just want access to skateboards. You have to imagine it’s about to get better now that relations between the U.S.A. and Cuba are more normal. You can help at Amigo Skate Cuba.
– thanks to Everyone for the tips.
The video from the Guardian doesn’t embed reliably, so follow the link if you’re seeing an empty canvas.
Here’s the PRI short audio on girls skateboarding in Cuba.
Again, these embeds are all kinds of screwy, so here’s an alternate link.
Audio PlayerThe trailer for Patinas Sin Fronteras En Cuba. dates back to 2014. I’m not sure if a longer version was ever produced because I can’t seem to find the actual film.
Another Spencer Keeton Cunningham piece on skateboarding in Cuba.
Che is rolling over in his grave…he would’ve wanted these kids doing something more productive for the revolution, like going to school, or work, or helping the needy. I think he said that a child learns one skate trick and then they just want another, and another. It is human nature and he found that aspect of nature unfulfilling for modern man. Hey loved existentialism, and Goethe. He would’ve endorsed this only as an activity to engage in while recharging for grander efforts. Skateboarding seems like such a contradictory element in Cuba, like the Castros clutching Coca-Colas while refusing all things yankee. Maybe the Cuban Revolution is over. God rest Che’s guts. “Hasta Siempre”.
These kids are hardcore skaters.