Electric Skateboard Land Speed Record?
Mischo Erban has allegedly NGV Nextboards has set a land speed record for an electric skateboard on level ground at 109.2 kph or 67.85 mph. According to Mischo, the speed of the actual device had not maxed out yet. He did manage to melt a couple sets of wheels in the attempt. There are a lot of electric skateboards out there, most of them seem to geared towards the campus cruiser market, so this one is a bit of an outlier. One thing the admittedly have to tackle is their proprietary wheel setup, which seems like a deal breaker for anyone who would be serious enough about this type of riding to want to spend the dough to buy one.
That’s because he didn’t use Seismics! Haha, no …
Watch those wheels shoot away, I’m happy he didn’t slam, what a master.
the slam after 2:00 was the teaser for this video.
Silly but inevitable.
I’ve gone 50 on Kryptos.
If this guy wants to impress on a motorized board, hit three digits.
And get off my lawn.