Cinder Cone
Foster Hunting (and friends) built a three tree, two level treehouse and a cement bowl to boot. This is the Northwest. The Cinder Cone is located in Skamania, Washington. It’s named after the debris that accumulates in a hill downwind from a volcanic vent. He’s documented the entire process for a book he’s publishing through Kickstarter. He raised almost 80k, well over his initial goal of $30,000. That ought to go a long way towards recouping some of the costs of building. Remember, that’s not all profit, printing costs probably account for the lion’s share of that money. The Kickstarter window is closed, but you can still preorder the book here for $35, which is only $5 more than it was during the early funding Kickstarter phase. The treehouse seems to be the main focus of the book, but the bowl construction does feature as well.
I’ve got my own much smaller treehouse bowl project in my back yard. Right now it’s stalled at the treehouse part. I want to join this cult.
[Source: Curb Cut]
You can’t live your dreams but you can pay for my dear little Foster to live hi$.
What you waiting for?
Of you could give $35 to Burnside, a spot that’s open to all.
Or I can just use my spare cash to build my own backyard racetrack. Someplace I can skate, free from cigarette smoke:p
Not in my backyard Joey?
You smoking now?
tech hippie
For the cost of a treadmill just buy quikcrete