Miller Mongoloid
I wasn’t sure if this Miller beer commercial ever aired on TV, and I can’t remember how I found out about it, but I held off on posting it to see if I could record it off TV for the official S&A archives. I eventually forgot about it when it never showed up in anything I watched. In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve been looking through draft posts lately and this one got my attention. The original video has been deleted but a quick search turned up a replacement. According to the new and apparently original source, it didn’t air because it was shot on spec circa 2006. Devo and skateboarding in a beer commercial? A beer company would probably balk at even the hint of targeting an underage audience. How dare they assume responsible adults drink beer and skateboard! Still, stranger things have happened in the TV commercial world. This post originally had another commercial for Panasonic (What? I don’t know) that had some high profile names skating a ditch, but I can’t find it anywhere.
If I would have had to guess, I would have bet on a Nichols/Charnoski production, but this video comes from YouTube user Gregy Roman, who would appear to be the creator, or at least involved in the project in some capacity.
spec commercial for miller. sort of a skate nerd throw back with mass appeal. what evs suckk suck kill kill
Panasonic Ditch:
These were my notes from the video source that has since disappeared:
Eric Koston, Rick Howard, Mike Carroll, Guy Mariano, Mike-Mo Capaldi, Vince Capaldi, Sam Smyth, and Ty Evans go skating in an awesome ditch.
So watch this 1980 commercial for the Panasonic Platinum instead, it’s certainly just as entertaining, if not more so.
Ambience sound will amaze and confound you!
Are you a glutton for punishment? What about this 2008 commercial for Panasonic headphones, featuring Ryan Sheckler?