Blockhead Skates Relaunch
Blockhead Skateboards holds a strange place in my personal skateboarding history. It is easily one of the top 4 brands that I admired in the 80’s, and yet I never actually owned one. I did own one of those Easter Island head shirts, and we interviewed Sam Cunningham in issue #5 of Skate and Annoy when it was a zine. And our buddy Swiv was on the flow team for a while. Added to the list of things I said I would do but never quite got around to is making a website for Blockhead Skateboards. Well, Dave and Ron have done fine without my help, and now they are back in business with new decks and re-issues as well. If you blinked then you missed the availability of the original Streetstyle deck cut from blanks pressed when the deck was in the final phases of production. These uncut blanks (maple and fiberglass) were almost 30 years old, and were kept in storage by a former manager of the Uncle Wiggley wood shop. Only 30 of these were made available, and not surprisingly, they sold out within a day. So, I apologize to our readers for not getting this out sooner. If it’s any consolation, There’s still lots of Blockhead goodness available, and you can still get a Skate Crate from Dave. I’m kicking myself for not ponying up for one of these…
these reissues look awesome. Love the streetsyle and the Sam.
I also used to love Blockhead back then. I used to draw all the time and frequently designed my own imaginary pro-model graphics (and shapes too, when that was a thing). Even though I could choose any of the big names to ride for, I usually put myself on Blockhead. Had a Sam Cunningham poster too.
Good to see they’re back and re-issues are the thing nowadays, so good luck to them.
How much would you sell me those wheels for