Beware of Trams!
We call them trains or trolleys, but in Melbourne and the rest of Australia it’s a tram. Yarra Trams is using signage with rhinos on skateboards to remind people not to get killed by trams when crossing tracks. The association is that of a rhinoceros on a skateboard being an unstoppable force, much like, well, a big heavy train. Yarra Trams is named after the Yarra river I guess. Knock knock. Who’s there? Yarra. Yarra who? Yarra gonna be sorry when you get run over by the tram! You guys can have that ad copy for free, just send me a wallaby if you have any spare. The top photo comes courtesy of Troy Sliter (Hi Troy) and the alternate signage photos are from the Yarra Flickr account.
The face on the passenger looks like he’s already dead. Ghost driver!
That’s a (soon to be) bleedin’ snowman behind the wheel, hehe.
As a frequent visitor of Amsterdam for most of my life -as a pedestrian- , it’s in my nature to be aware of trams. Lethal buggers.
Bleedin’ y’say, tram smash is Australian for ketchup