Daddies Buys CCS
A source has revealed that the Owner of Daddies in Portland Oregon has purchased California Cheap Skates, better known as the online retailer CCS, from Foot Locker. The web site is coy about it. If you visit the previous URL it says everything is “out of stock” and points to a new site with an explanation:
CCS is in new hands. We’re a crew out of Portland, Oregon that has been working in the skateboard industry for years. When we heard the news that CCS was being shut down, we jumped. CCS is, after all, one of the most iconic brands in skateboarding.
CCS was once accused of spreading mass amounts of stoke. We want to make sure this will be the case for all time. Our commitment to you will be to quickly deliver the best products, at stellar prices, with exceptional customer service.
But our goal goes way beyond just selling gear. Skateboarding is our passion, and we will make sure that CCS continues to express an enthusiasm, love, and advocacy for skating. Through CCS, we will share our devotion to skate and give you opportunities to share it right on back.
We are beyond stoked!
It’s a bit misleading when they say they have been working in the industry for years. I suppose it’s technically true, as many of the employees may have been, but it’s well known that the current owner of Daddies bought the business as an investment and was brand new to the industry. The previous owners of Daddies actually had been in the business for years. It seems likely that CSS will retain it’s separate identity, as will Daddies, running out of the same physical location. What does this mean? Nothing really. It’s just a mail order skateshop.