Hubbard Homestead Skatespot in Seattle
Steve Ping from DesertPipes.com shot some photos of the newly completed Hubbard Homestead Skate Spot located at 11203 5th Ave NE in the Northgate neighborhood of Seattle. It’s still behind fences and the official grand opening is allegedly December 5th. It looks like Newline is credited wight the design concepts. There’s a firm in charge of the larger park complex, but I’m not sure who built the skate spot, as Washington law somehow prohibits a design and build situation. Bobcat says this spot has been in the works for 5 years. Hubbard Skate Spot backs up against a Target store, so if you forget your pads, helmet, or skateboard, you can run right in and buy it.
Thanks for the update Ping. This one looks like fun.
We’re lucky to have so much variety in town.
Still don’t understand why skatepark lighting
is such a foreign concept to the city.
wow, waited 5 years for that????
well, 5 years without the old Park n Ride that was there was pain enough. The slappy curbs and manual pads were super fun. I’m sure it will be scooter kid hell with the Sporting Goods store and Target selling those extreme can-openers too.
From what I’ve heard and seen on city records this park has actually been in the works for nearly a decade (planning included). Somehow the city had funds for lighting at the park but their funding was wrongly dispensed to another city project?
Taken from facebook:
Please support the re-funding of much needed lighting at Hubbard Homestead Skatespot. Send email to rick.nishi@seattle.gov with cc to jean.godden@seattle.gov. Thanks for your support of lighted public skateparks in Seattle!
Will, thanks for the lighting info.