Gallagher Concrete
While poking around in some comments left at Skate DIY I saw a link to what I thought was spam based on the thumbnail image generated by Facebook, but in fact turned out to have some pretty unique skateboarding terrain built by a company called Gallagher Concrete, located somewhere in SoCal, guessing by the area code. Sure they do bowls and the like, but the stuff that caught my eye could be classified as residential private skateparks. I don’t know who these guys are but it looks like they’ve built some fun terrain. A few more pics and a video after the jump.
You have to dig around a little, but the Gallagher Concrete site has more pictures.
Yeah Rockfish! This guy has superb talent with a trowel, or on the board. I ride one of his bowls frequently, it is super rad! And Amos, his dog is the best skateboarding dog that I have ever seen.
His name Is Kyle Gallagher, some know him as Cobra Kyle. He will travel anywhere and build anything you want. I think you stumbled across my comments to D.I.Y., I like to share his work on the inter web. He is a Concrete Artist. He built the addition to Mammoth Skate park Last year for the smaller rippers.
The qp up the side of the house belongs to Olympic snowboarder Trevor Jacobs.
Kyle is a badass for sure, but he’s just the one with the contractor’s license. A few of my friends work under his license and they all wield an incredible mastery of the skill. They will build anything you can dream up. Did I mention that they are going to help me build the Laytonville Skate Park in the heart of Mendocino County, CA? Yep… And I can throw a rock to the site from my front porch.
Yeah Cobra! Badass ripper, badass concrete dude! Artist for sure
Hey that’s the Gene pool the 2nd from last. Cobra kills it and so does his crew as Rolo stated. We’re about ready to finish the decks hopefully the first week of December. Follow the link posted come check my diy out or find me on intagram hackman209, BUiLD…
@ rokfish is Kyle on the Instagram.. He is Shot Crete Certified, License Bonded and Insured will design and Build, and bring in ripping skater finishers for sure
This is the guy who’s building our skatepark in Redlands, Ca. Can’t wait–we’re super stoked!