Willits / Adams Bowl Pour
Adam needs your help…
Willits Bowl, A.K.A. Adam’s Bowl is a super sick DIY in Northern CA. The deck around the bowl is only half finished… The forms are set for the second section of deck, which will include a corner hip off the big quarter pipe and a Derby style berm. Now we just need a little help to pay for the mud. Many have come to shred, Few have donated to the cause. Let’s get it poured!!!
Anybody who donates is of course welcome to come out. If you don’t know where it is, I guess you’ll have to be content with watching it in videos.
Everyone who donates will receive directions and a phone number. Adam is a way cool dude who loves seeing his bowl get crushed by visitors.
Thanks for posting, Kilwag!
Now how do u get rid off the visitors?
Um tell them to leave if they refuse shoot them. haha just kidding not really but? if it becomes a problem don’t let them come back. like my diy if you don’t “RESPECT” the spot you don’t come back even if you donated. Adams is rad lets get this poured before winter really hits. we’ll all be stoked!