First “Longboard” Park
It’s certainly not the first gratuitous use of the word “longboard” as a qualifier. It really should be titled a “Downhill Skatepark” shouldn’t it? Does a board length under 3 feet preclude you from using this? Wasn’t this style of riding invented on “short boards?” When is someone going to build a Pigboarding park? You know, a skatepark built specifically for people riding Indy 215’s. Complaints about a stupid name aside, it’s cool concept. Don’t blame Landyachtz for naming it a longboard park, blame the city of Kamloops in British Columbia.
This park was probably built to “keep kids off the streets.” Instead, I imagine it will encourage more newbies to give downhilling a try, in turn incubating a new generation of kids who will be hungry for more challenging terrain once they master this.A for effort though. Looks like fun.
Listen to Black Sabbath? What the hell for? Listen to the Yachts. Enjoy the song “Yachting Type” form 1979.