Punks and Posers
MTV’s Punks and Posers from a time (1985) when they actually played music videos, blah blah blah. I think this aired at 11:00 at night originally, I taped it to VHS when I should have been finishing my computer science homework. I watched the hell out of this. It’s Got the Dickies and GBH (yawn) but also a rare appearance by the band Plain Wrap, which I had completely forgotten about. I bought their album when I saw it at Record Swap, based on seeing this video. That vinyl still resides in my basement, need to dig it up. If you are at all familiar with 80’s LA Punk there should be a few other faces you recognize as well. Interviews talking about “punk”… so lame, yet so entertaining. There is some incidental skateboarding in the video as well, so it’s actually topical to this web site, and yes.. It’s a stretch. I was stoked to see this again after so many years.
Nice find, Kilwag. I haven’t seen this in a loooong time. I caught the last half of the show when it originally aired and managed to throw in a tape to record it. I never saw the first part until now though. Thanks for posting this.
Isn’t it supposed to be Poseurs?
I remember you taping that! I think there was a guy doing a 180 ollie onto a bench–the first time I had ever seen that. Plain Wrap were playing in that bit. I can still visualize it in my head.
That segment starts at about the 20 minute mark.
Bite your tongue on the GBH yawn!
Yep, always gotta talk to the entrepreneurs… cuz good catering is soo crucial. Glad I never went near LA in the eighties… mighta put me off my feed. Only uh, scene, I ever encountered near that assey (as in, remember the Carvel ice cream commercial where Fudgey sez: “Oim Assey the Whale!”?) would be Atlanta.
Hey, its that girl from the Semen Siphons!
I mean Screaming Sirens. Dang auto correct!
I thought she was in The Pandoras…and “give me fire” rules colin!