Thindys or Thundys?
Right after they first came out I remember hearing Thunders were just Indys with different baseplates, but I never had any confirmation.
NEVER BEFORE SEEN: T H I N D Y ‘ S. Prototype THUNDER base-plates tested with INDY hangers.
WHY? I can’t remember. For some reason it was important.
Something to do with checking the geometry.ANYWAY – – – this is a one-of-a-kind set of trucks, prior to the release of THUNDERS onto the world.
I always loved the baseplates on the old Thunders, with lizards, lightning bolts and skulls and no text to be seen anywhere. If you didn’t already know what they were, there was no way to tell what company made them. UPDATE: Added another Mofo shot of some OG Thunder baseplates in reference to Terry Nails.
– Thanks to MoFo for the photo
Original Thunders had a hanger resembling the Indy Stage V. At some point NHS must have made Thunder change this to the pinched hanger that appears in your second photo.
Original thunders were made by fausto behind nhs’s back ath the Indy foundry. When nhs caught wind they flipped on fausto Vitiello and not sure when Indy cut thunder off. So no this isn’t a shock
Thunder were always and are still made at the Ermico Foundry.
My my this is spooky. I never realized, I’d posted here before.
I’m curious though, how did the first run of Thunder Geometry differ from Indy? Sharper, quicker turn?
Hey Terry Nails Dear Old Mum, Great Name!! I worked with Terry at the old San Francisco Skatebaords shop down in the Marina District. Harry’s old shop, circa 75/76.
Radical, Gomez!
Also, some good info on Thunder Trucks here:
Mom? When did you start posting skateboard stuff?