Kids Scoop!
It’s the September 13th, 2009 edition of Kids Scoop, which focuses on skateboarding. This is another buried treasure that was in the box that Danimal gave me with the kids braille skateboarding book. Lots of safety advice and fun activity after the jump, including the Great Skateboard Debate! No agendas at all, so wake up the kids and call Grandma.
Here’s the full page for starters, with individual sections following, because I know everyone needs something to do today in the rain.
The Great Skateboard Debate! Skateboards on sidewalks? Yes or no? The best advice: “Before you answer, ask, think and then decide.” The editorial tone of this piece makes me think Kids Scoop doesn’t want skateboarders anywhere.
Ask, think and decide. Skateboard scavenger hunt, and the ever popular which one of these two things is the same?
The Puzzler. I guess Jumble might be copyrighted. The word search seems heavily weighted against fun. Consider your selection pool: Skateboard, Debate, Sidewalks, Afraid, Opinion, Risk, Helmet, Wheels, and Safety. What about words related to the joy of skateboarding? I think they’re trying to sneak in some learning here.
Why didn’t the skateboarder wear his helmet? Because he blew the punchline?
Skater sudoku and defining the word pedestrian. Wheee!
I actually got excited for a moment when I scanned that bit about Jimmy Carter riding a skateboard. How could I have missed that on the Interwebs? It was the 70’s, and he was interviewed in Playboy, so it’s not entirely implausible that he rode a skateboard too. Then I actually read the instructions. Do the math to find out which History of Skateboarding items are false. Item 5: The researchers watched Dogtown and the Z-Boys.