Jim Phillips Interview on Design Boom
Designboom has a lightweight interview with Jim Phillips. It’s nothing new for the most part, but it’s interspersed with lotos of graphics and the great shot above of Jim in his natural habitat. It’s worth checking out just for the larger version of that photo.
– Thanks to MC for the tip.
Look at that roller derby board.
Pretty sick workshop.
Santa Cruz fukt up big time by aligning themselves w/ walmart puke Simpsons and star whores…screaming hand stands alone fuck that sell out shit they blew it hard
Christian, what are you willing to do to survive and provide for those that you have committed yourself to?
Wait! I don’t want to hear back from you until you’ve come out the other side.
FYI: NHS is responsible for supplying and maintaining many people with a good job and good wage, on this continent as well as another. You may factor that into any corporate decisions (family, life or business) that you may make in your life.
And i do not think i need to mention that they have made and continue to make some of the best skate products ever. Period.
Well scott u answered ur own question nhs always made superior products w/ out going to the branding that has done nothing to support sk8 boarding. Jim’s graphics were so good it’s a shame they went the sell out route
Star Wars trilogy was what 78 to 82 when skateboarding first died? Did Lucas films help skateboarding? No. Simpsons was making money in 89 to 92 when skateboarding died hard the second time Santa Cruz became SCS and laid off their entire company did fox films or Matt groinig help? Fuck no either way they shouldn’t tarnish Santa Cruz w/ their leach presence. jeff Kendall needs a firm talking to as the nhs president