Awesome Skateboard Stacie
Barbie’s sister Stacie riding a skateboard in a McDonalds Happy Meal toy that dates back to 2000. Apparently “Awesome Skateboard Stacie” was a toy on it’s own before it became a downsized Happy Meal toy. I found a 1999 commercial for Awesome Skateboard Stacie, who had two friends that skated too.

My Happy Meal toy didn’t come with the packaging, this photo is from another random auction on eBay.

Actual full-sized Awesome Skateboard Stacie, complete with mandatory circa 1999 bicycle helmet, as found on Amazon.

Here’s a 1999 TV commercial for Awesome Skateboard Stacie that looks like it might have been uploaded about 1999, because the highest resolution available is a whopping 360p at about 10 frames a second. Somebody hosted it somewhere once, and it’s been copied and uploaded to YouTube by different users several times.
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