New web site from the co-creator of Skate and Annoy – SkateZines.com is a simple directory of current skate zines and where to get them. Please do not confuse this with a gallery, its just a listing, plain and simple. If you’d like to get the latest issue of your zine, or anyone else’s for that matter, (print, pdf download or online) listed, just drop by the contact page. Please help spread the word!
I imagine there will be a redesign coming, but I just wanted to get it up and running, as I’ve had the domain name registered for a few years now. Eventually I’ll pull the most recent image from SkateZines.com and display it linked here on the sidebar of S&A, so zines will get double exposure.
Big Show vs Brock Lesnar!
Awesome. I just submitted all my info. Thanks for doing this!