Police Academy: The comic book
The Police Academy movie series started in 1984 and the last one came out in 1994, which puts this 1990 Police Academy comic book out around the time of Police Academy 6: City Under Siege, which came out in 1989. That’s right, they cranked out the first 6 movies in 6 years! Turns out they are reviving it once gain, with a new sequel scheduled to come out in 2014. If you expect the quality of this Marvel Comics title to show the same commitment to the craft that the movies do, you be entirely right. It’s pretty bad. In fact, the frame above is about the only thing interesting in the whole story, which only takes up part of Police Academy Volume 1, Number 6, published in February of 1990. I don’t think Lance Mountain is in this one.
Check out how poorly drawn the skateboard is. It only has three wheels, which is intentional, but they just appear to be glued to the board, somehow magically spinning at the same time. It’s got exhaust pipes but no engine. Radical!
Crash underwear!
It looks like Mahoney had the hang of it for while, until he decided to switch to downhill ski stance.
Bonus enlargement of the only other somewhat interesting panel.
that skateboard looks like a hot rod penis!
My penis rides a skateboard ,my brain says he’s just along for the ride. We all have fun together so who am I to argue.