Where was the Golfboard when Schwing! magazine was in it’s heyday? Did Schwing! ever have a heyday? The GolfBoard’s primary innovation over any other electric skateboard seems to be the optional addition of a handle for holding a golf bag, which would make it more of a scooter, and the uncanny way in which the marketing manages to avoid the word “skateboard” while repeatedly mentioning surfing and snowboarding. They did appear to accidentally use the word in the title of their first youtube video. That must have been before the focus groups and marketing research raised a flag. Another possible innovation, they’ve gotten some insurance companies on board to help facilitate leases and rentals through golf courses. The’ve even got professional surfer Laird Hamilton on board. Demographically, the golfing public at large used to be diametrically opposed to skateboarders. Suddenly, the old Nike SB commercial with the golfers getting kicked off the course is moot. There are two main selling points the GolfBoard: Less wear and tear on the golf course as opposed to traditional golf carts, and a new “fun” way to experience the course that also has some health benefits through increased activity, again compared to riding in a golf cart. They have to balance hose two carefully though. I mean, if I was going to golf, I’d sure as hell rather be mixing it with an electric skateboard dork session. You can take the 19th hole shenanigans to a whole different level. Take that, Bushwood Country Club, and up yours Judge Smails! GolBoards start at $3495.00.
Via Pete Lewis, who should be contributing to S&A.
Some video stills captured for posterity, on the slim chance that Golfboard doesn’t take the PGA Tour by storm. Videos at the end.

Offroad too!

Optional foot bindings.

Carve up the bowl bro! (I mean Sir.)

Golfboard Videos
Laird doesn’t like to do anything without a motor. Rumor has it that Shane Dorian’s coming out with one of these that you can paddle, though.
And I thought the only fun part about golf was jamming some beers. Well the simply math of beer jamming and golf boards may make me a golfer. That is until we get 86’ed with Randy and Grover at the first dork session. Seriously, I cannot wait, just think of Grover’s outfit.
File under annoy but filmers and rich kids are stoked.
They should just build snake runs that run along each hole. Then they can skate from hole to hole and golfers would realize how much fun golf isn’t compared to skating. All the golf courses close down, get filled in and on top they build hybrid BMX/scooter parks.
Despite heavyweight surfer endorsement I think golf is insanely lame dull pretentious crap. I’d rather buy new bones wheels than a pack of golf balls I’d lose in a minute
Schwing’s heyday may have been 2001. Golf is a totally fun sport, for most people it takes a while to learn and you have to start young…ergo, its easy to hate/dismiss it. Same goes for tennis and squash. Girls that can play golf are a glorious breed. And good clothes. Mod fun.
A girl who went on to a fairly successful LPGA career was in some of my high school classes, and “glorious” does not come to mind. Nor does butch, for that matter. Bland… bland comes to mind. Girls who skate shit all over girls who golf….
Biters, FYI the aussies built the original called the Golf Skate Caddy and at least they have the word SKATE in their name cos thats what you do skate over the course, plus its much better featured. golfskatecaddy.com
As if golfing wasn’t lame enough already….