
There’s a meme for this

Now that this is a thing, I’m quitting my day job so I can finally pursue my dream of starting an entertainment channel and social networking site entirely devoted to accidentally hitting animals while downhill skateboarding. It’s going to be called i-roadkill, or ZuubSplat, or something similar. I expect you all to bankroll it via kickstarter. You owe me.

[Source: Unofficial Networks]

From YouTube user lpe360screeners:

Amanda Roden, Maryhill Loops Road In Washington.

“My friends and I hiked it, we knew there were cows hanging out as we hiked up, I sort of just hoped they would stay on the side of the road…. but apparently cows have the right of way. I think I must’ve been going 30 to 40 mph. I didn’t see them in the road until i went around the corner, by that time I was already about to run into them, I figure it was to risky to try and go around, in case one ran me off the road….where there is a pretty good drop and a lot of rocks, so I put my head down and hoped for the best, I clipped the first cow you see, then I hit the other one, Gopro first and my gopro fell off, ended up with totally ripped pants and a hoof shaped bruise on my leg, plus a scar on my right arm. After that, the cows steered clear of the road, mooing angrily as they ran off. Having just ran into a group of cows you can imagine the amount of adrenaline pumping through my veins…. so my buddies and I hiked it again and made it down just fine the second time around.”


6 thoughts on “There’s a meme for this

  1. talentlessquitter on December 18, 2013 - Reply

    They could have seen this coming. Kind of stupid to assume cows don’t move. Hell, they move when I’m cruising along a field on my longboard. A bad one for DH.

  2. My brother-in-law ran into a deer on his bicycle. No, the deer wasn’t on his bicycle.
    Wait, wrong site.

    1. WINNER: Skaterdave. Dave, did you watch the Wiener Dog video?

    2. talentlessquitter on February 19, 2014 - Reply

      Haha, classic Groucho joke!

  3. fossil diver on December 19, 2013 - Reply

    Your gopro and camera survived?! I’d be contacting gopro and whoever made the camera to try and work out a deal for the footage for advertisement.

  4. Wow. That was a real Cow Poke.

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