California Christmas
California Christmas by Manafest, a guy who kind of looks and sounds like the guy from Workaholics. Coming up next on Yo S&A Raps!
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on December 9th, 2013
Categories: Annoy, Media Watch, Music Videos
California Christmas by Manafest, a guy who kind of looks and sounds like the guy from Workaholics. Coming up next on Yo S&A Raps!
Can’t believe I just sat through that crap.
I miss Yo! MTV Raps.
Ha! I actually know this guy. He has better skate skills than Lil Wayne mos def..
Yep, and an even greater dearth of music skills. Californians should stick to skating, (een though Brazil has passed them by), and should spare the rest of us spritzes of their second-hand cultures such as surfing and rap. West coasts are where originality goes to set, by gawd… but it rises in the east, and pretty soon, it’s gonna burn your foreheads down.
I thought California was a jewish area .why do they have christmas?
“California was a jewish area”
Sure certain areas. In SD, La Jolla is ‘their’ primary kingdom.
But in SD, City Heights is ‘my’ hood & I don’t celebrate xmas either.
There are exactly 2 things I like about xmas.
1. NWA: Merry Muthafucking Xmas
2. King Diamond: No Presents
Also, being a single-mother raised person that ‘only’ had xmas w/ mom (2 people celebrating xmas, just above the orphan family member count of 1)….. hardly compares to a real/larger family xmas….. one of those ‘had to experience it’ things…..
RealityCheck: All the family holidays suck for me… and they don’t exist….. kind of like my family….
I actually kind of just ‘see’ skaters as my family & we all celebrate every time we skate; making celebration events irrelevant.
Time for the NWA/King D session!
I can’t believe you dignified
I can’t believe YOU did NOT dignify “burn your foreheads down” with a response… especially given how PC it was.
I don’t even know what that means…
It means I was admonishing Woodstock for being from a bad place, but was taking mock pains to point out that its apparently being “a jewish area” ain’t why… and that the burning sun, that rises in the east – and the Islam armies, beckoning on – aren’t about to burn anyone’s temples down.
These comments are absurd.
See, there’s this burning sun, and it sets in the western world, but it rises in the east, and pretty soon, it’s gonna burn your foreheads down, you two-faced moron.
Probably the dumbest comment I’ve ever read, and that’s saying something.
Unfortunately, it’s nowhere close to the dumbest you’ve ever written, even on this site alone, Bozo. Yer too dumb to know the difference between dumb and stupid, though, and THAT is saying something… that you may be too dumb to grasp. Feel free to enlighten anyone who gives a damn as to how said comment was stupid, though, cuz that might qualify as making an attempt to have something to do with the subject heading, on your part. (And I for one would be impressed – albeit on a curve – that you don’t just think the comment’s stupid because you don’t know what it’s on about, but rather because you do.) C’mon, you can do it… name that band, slam that song, and how un-prescient it was about the world of today, and how you’re so over the ‘kamikaze’ sun versus the setting sun thing, and its bearing on coastal culture characteristics. (…And even how Hosoi was a traitor, if ya happen to be THAT over flying flags.)