The old man dressed in a shirt and trousers
Steve Olson baffles paparazzi who can only identify him as an old man who carries a skateboard. The Daily Mail reports:
He looks old enough to be her father, is so badly turned out he could be accused of not owning a mirror, and carries a skateboard to perhaps retain a sense of his youth.
They don’t identify him by name once! He’s just a random old man with a Peter Pan complex. So… excellent. Olson was apparently dating an actress named Paz de la Huerta, who had a brief and really annoying series of appearances on Boardwalk Empire. I guess she’s going to be on again, which I am not looking forward to, because her character is the worst. Just like I love the movie Sid & Nancy, but I can’t separate Chloe Webb from the character she plaid in it, she was just too good at it.
UPADTE: OLD STORY! I was cracking up so hard I didn’t even look at the date! That’s a relief I don’t have to watch her on BE again, no offense Steve.
– Thanks to Kyle Duvall for the tip.
I think this is an old story, maybe two years ago. Still funny though and more power to Olson, glad he could pull that off and put up with listening to her talk.
You’re right! Too funny, I could’t stop laughing long enough to look at the date.
The Daily Mail is the most loathed Newspaper in the UK; think Fox News and double it for right wing views… No surprise that they didn’t know who Olson was.
good man Olson! How do you keep that one section of hair looking so full? And Duane seems to have “re-grown” a bit too. Must be that LA air.
u too can grow hair…deplete the DHT in ur blood system by leaching it out w/ cigarettes and vodka
he must have lots of money
She is not hard to look at, and she played an obnoxious character really well. I loved and hated the BE role, which I think, means she did an excellent job.