Confusion Zine & Blackriver
That’s Skreech on the cover of the latest Confusion zine. Apparently he’s turning over a new leaf after evaluating his life via Dragonslayer, so he’s going by Joshua instead of Josh. He didn’t ditch the “Skreech” moniker though. He’s no dummy when it comes to marketing. In addition to the Skreech interview, this shot of Elias Assmuth on a skateboard made out of a fingerboarding ramp got my attention. Radness! Those guys at Blackriver Ramps take their skateboarding every bit as seriously as their fingerboarding, or vice versa.
And look which building is on the cover: http://skateandannoy.com/2011/10/bavarian-creme/
Big Up’s to BoldRiders! PUMPA Forever!
Thanx for supporting Skreech and radical skateboarding Confusion Magazine. Go Scum Skates!