Billy R(ip)uff stamp
I bought this Australian stamp from 1990 on Catawiki for $1. It’s actually a postcard with a stamp and a postmark of Stanwell park. I guess the guy could be Billy Ruff, since he is riding a G@S ‘Clown puppet’ bootleg deck from 1987! The clown on the stamp doesn’t hold a puppet and there are no names or brands, but still …
The stamp intself.
The mark … Anyone knows about Stanwell Park?
While making this post, I found this other card/envelop with these stamps on Catawiki and it seems they ripped off Airwalk too. Why not? While you’re in mood!
The ‘Clown puppet’ deck, as seen in Ebay Watch May 2008.
Three people in one ramp? Looks dangerous.
you’re right, this means it can only be the bones brigade! The one with the ponytail is probably Tony Hawk.
Still the ugliest most awesome board ever
I always suspected this was modelled on CHris Miller… G&S board, billabong stickers and the pads/gloves are right for the era too…
Yes! The gloves look like the ‘Smith’ ones. You can check them out here here.
I think the skater is based on Australian pro and now a well respected skate collector Tony Hallam.