If you Have an unused half pipe…
Mr Duckhunt, excuse me, Dr Duckhunt has instructions on how to make an Army style tent from your collection of leftover unused halfpipes.
Ever want an army style tent but just cant afford it. if you Have an unused half pipe setting around you can Turn it into an army tent clubhouse. If your fortunate enough to be Canadian and traded a case of moose head for a half pipe and salmon . Then it’s not expensive. This project cost me under $60.
MC thinks this guy should be put on suicide watch. Judge for yourself at Instructables.
I had half a pipe once but the only thing I could make out of it was a bong.
The only thing I’ve ever made with an unused half-pipe is a bonfire.
turned my semi-rotting, outdoor half pipe into an indoor bowl. burrito uber alles!
I guess he lost the Stoke and prefers hiding out in his wood army tent ramp.
I made a shed with an oververt “warp wall” I looks like American Ninja Warrior training grounds.
How about using the half pipe dummy?
backwards bernie! Go find alan chaney and punch steve molter in the nuts!